Petaluma Folk Tales: A storytelling evening moderated by Melissa Abercrombie

Thu, July 13, 2017, 7:00 pm

An evening of storytelling from those in the know. Featuring native daughter, Petaluma Grange president and former mayor Pamela Torliatt. As a fourth generation Petaluman, she has a unique historical perspective and a strong sense of stewardship. Her commitment to our community can be found everywhere… in the policies she has helped implement to the organic beef she raises on the hills of Petaluma. With musings by local historian, realtor, and person about town Skip Sommer. Skip has been instrumental in the historic preservation of many of Petaluma’s signature structures. You can find his reflections in the Argus Courier and Press Democrat. Highlighted by the tales of Tom Gaffey, general manager of the Phoenix Theater and booster to Petaluma’s music, art, and youth. Tom’s weekly update to the Phoenix’s marquee is as Petaluman as the incubator. He has created a space that offers health services, classes, and support for Petalumans of every age.

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Petaluma Arts Center

230 Lakeville Street - Petaluma