Forestville's 1st Annual Pie in the Park Fundraiser

Forestville Pie in the Park fundraiser
Sat, August 31, 2024, 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Come party at our Downtown Oaks Park with our First Annual Pie in the Park Fundraiser August 31st from 3 – 5:30 PM and help celebrate Lucy Hardcastle’s 80th Birthday.* (The fundraiser is for the park’s continuous maintenance.)

Ways to Participate

  • Enter the contest
  • Show up with pie(s) to help raise Park funds.
  • Don’t want to bring a pie? That’s OK. Feel free to show up, drink, dance, buy a piece of pie or win a pie at the Pie Walk. Celebrate with neighbors, make new friends, help us care for our own Oaks Park.
Best Pie Competition

For our competitive pie makers, we have a contest for Best Homemade Pie in Forestville.

To Enter
You will need to pay $5 and bring two pies, one for the judges and one to share.

Email or call 707-887-1068 and tell us:

  • Your name.
  • Contact information (email, phone).
  • What type of pies you are entering into the contest so we know how many judges to get.

There will be a separate tent to drop off your pies and register them ($5).

The winner will receive a trophy and a gift basket.

Pie Party
Don’t want to compete? Bring a pie (or two) to share with others. Drop off your pie(s) for volunteers to cut and serve.

Each pie you bring you will get a free ticket for a piece of pie.

  • Pie will be $5 a slice for those who don’t bring pie, or who may want more than one piece!
  • Beer, wine, Vodka Punch, waters and sodas will be sold for $5.
  • Live Music, No Host Bar,  Face Painting & Pie Walk
* (PSST – Lucy has been the president of FPA fora number of years and has been the Fundraiser Queen for FPA and many other organizations over the years. She loves serving the community and this is how she wants to spend her 80th birthday – raising money for park maintenance and its future.)

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Forestville Downtown Oaks Park

6990 Front Street - Forestville