4th of July Fireworks Hike at Sugarloaf Ridge Park

4th of July at Sugarloaf Ridge Park
Tue, July 4, 2023, 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm

Join Team Sugarloaf for your chance to climb the tallest mountain in Sonoma Valley– Bald Mountain– a spectacular vantage point to view as many as 18 different fireworks displays! This strenuous hike covers approximately 6.5 miles roundtrip with 1500 ft. elevation gain–including steep sections. Expect approximately 1.5 hours hiking time each way.

Upon arrival at the top, you’ll enjoy a mountaintop reception. We’ll serve hearty snacks and sweets, lemonade and water.
Kick back, relax, and enjoy the beautiful sights of fireworks displays that span the Bay Area– from Windsor in the north, Berkeley and Oakland in the east, San Francisco to the south, with possible views into the South Bay.

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Sugarloaf Ridge State Park

2605 Adobe Canyon Rd - Kenwood