The whole community is invited to SHARE in the fun and excitement of baskets, gifts, refreshments, pizza and a wonderful time, while we raise money for all the programs of Windsor Presbyterian Church.
Do you love our food pantry – come share with us!
Do you love our historic building – come share with us!
Do you love our activities in the Windsor Community – come share with us!
Do you love having space for AA and other community groups – come share with us!
Do you just love what Windsor Presbyterian Church is all about – come share with us!
We will have pizza, mocktails, and fancy cupcakes for all. We will have a silent auction for themed baskets and community events — dinners, bowling, parties, etc. We will also have a “May the 4th be With YOU!” themed spinning wheel — allowing you to test your luck at winning a variety of fun prizes. Finally, we will have a “Buy-It-Now” Table if you just want to make sure you go home with exactly what you were hoping for!
We are still accepting donations of baskets, basket items, and community parties or events. Our Tax ID is 94-3206398. If you have questions, email us at
Can’t make it on Saturday night? We will have a smaller version with special prizes and events after worship on Sunday at 10:30 am.
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Windsor Presbyterian Church
251 Windsor River Road
- Windsor