RECEPTION: Saturday, February 3 2024, 3:00 – 6:00 PM: Bring on the Valentine’s Day spirit by joining the group show artists and Karen Miller to celebrate the show.
Sonoma County artists Beverly Bird, Nancy Gray, Willow LaLand, Gail Morgan, Phylliis Rapp, Tosya Shore, Luba Stolper, and Ron Sumner present an artwork collection that celebrates the love and beauty of Valentine’s Day. The color red stars here, harmonizing the show and linking the many expressions of the theme. Shore’s watercolor, “Heart to Heart,” makes the love connection with a young couple in loving embrace captured by a giant red heart. Gray chimes in with a beautiful set of her popular heart paintings – “One Love” is a reddish orange heart that seems to come to life on the blue/green background. “My Funny Valentine,” Rapp’s watercolor portrait grabs the viewer with her mesmerizing eyes. Even birds make this show: a perfect couple to celebrate the month of love, Sumner’s watercolor, “Puffins in Love,” pushes the “adorable” limits. And the taste of wine celebrates love, as in “Fauve Wine Press” by LaLand. Unbelievably lifelike, Stolper’s oil, “Strawberries,” commands the viewer’s rapt attention by the fruit’s luscious red beauty. In Morgan’s “Wash the World with Waves of Love” hearts and wave effects work their magic in this monoprint. In a comment that could apply to the entire exhibit, Morgan said, “What the world needs now is love, and lots of it. It’s our duty to spread love as far and wide as we can.”
The Stairway Small Works Showcase presents Karen Miller’s Enchanted by Spring, a collection of small pastel paintings that capture the exuberance of the budding, leafing and flowering happening around us as we emerge from winter’s doldrums. In “Julia Child Rose Bush” blossoms burst forth, while each rose retains its delicate coloring and sensitive feel. Trees, flowers and fields come alive in these works, often painted in plein-air close to home. “The excitement and special palette of Spring is such an inspiration to my artist’s soul,” commented Miller.
Meet the Artist: Miller will be hosting the Gallery February 4, 10, 14, 24, 28 11am to 2:30pm.
Upstairs Art Gallery, 306 Center Street, Healdsburg, CA 95448. (707) 431-4214.: OPEN DAILY: 11am – 6 pm www.upstairsartgallery.net
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Upstairs Art Gallery
306 Center Street
- Healdsburg