September 9 @ 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Date: Saturday, September 9th
Time: 1:00 – 2:30 PM
Total Sessions: 1
Instructor: Sophia de Leon Sanchez
Location: Room 213, Dance Studio
Ages: Adults and Teens, 13+
Skill Level: All Levels, Beginning
Sliding Scale: $25 / $40 / $60
Financial Aid Available
It is recommended to wear hard-soled shoes with low heels, but they are not strictly required.
Join us for an introductory flamenco workshop taught by Sophia de Leon Sanchez. All ages and levels are welcome to this immersive experience in flamenco technique and choreography. If you’ve ever wanted to get started in the art of flamenco but have never had the opportunity, Now is your chance! (Hard-soled shoes with low heels are recommended but not strictly required).
Spanish: Acompáñanos para un taller de introducción al flamenco impartido por Sophia de Leon Sanchez. Todas las edades y niveles son bienvenidos a esta experiencia inmersiva en la técnica y coreografía flamenca. Si alguna vez has querido iniciarte en el arte del flamenco pero nunca has tenido la oportunidad, ¡Esta es tu oportunidad! (Se recomiendan zapatos de suela dura con tacones bajos, pero no son estrictamente obligatorios).
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Sonoma Community Center
276 E Napa Street
- Sonoma