Everything is impermanent—or rather in flux, ever-evolving, all matter in the universe eternally striving to express itself in new, unknown, and yet always more funky ways. And for seven magical years, we witnessed a certain alignment of stars, a momentary constellation whose gravitational pull lured the best of humanity out onto a dance floor to share of their own booty-shaking ephemerality on this earth. We called it Burnside. And on September 30, at the Hopmonk Tavern in Sebastopol, CA, astronomers predict that these stars will momentarily shine brighter than they’ve ever shined before and then vanish at the strike of midnight. Then all that celestial energy will scatter, transforming into yet-unknown cosmic shapes. Witness the final show, this one last shining moment when Burnside aligns and we invite you to shine with us, dear friend, because you have always been and will always be our light as we drift into whatever mystery awaits us on the other side.
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HopMonk Tavern – Sebastopol
230 Petaluma Ave
- Sebastopol