“Ghosts of Petaluma’s Past Come to Life!”
The Petaluma Historical Library & Museum invites you to join the Petalumans of Yesteryear for a guided graveside tour featuring some of the most notable and interesting citizens of early Petaluma. You’ll hear colorful stories about life (and death) in our town’s early days, directly from costumed living history performers representing the likes of Lyman Byce, Addie Atwater, Ida Belle McNear, and many others. The tour begins at the Cypress Hill Cemetery office parking lot and concludes inside the Cypress Hill columbarium, which was designed by noted Petaluma architect Brainerd Jones. Wear comfortable shoes. Please note: Do not contact the cemetery regarding this tour. Contact the Petaluma Historical Library & Museum with any questions at 707-778-4398.
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Cypress Hill Memorial Park
430 Magnolia Ave
- Petaluma