Fri, May 17, 2024, 7:30 pm - 9:45 pm

The Santa Rosa Junior College Orchestra will present a concert under the direction of its Conductor Cynthia Weichel, on Friday, May 17, 2024 – 7:30 pm at Burbank Auditorium on the Santa Rosa Junior College campus, 1501 Mendocino Ave. General admission tickets are on sale at Eventbrite: $12 adults, $6 students, seniors, and children.

Come join us for a night of laughter and music. The SRJC Orchestra will be performing a fun-filled concert featuring comedic pieces that are sure to leave you smiling. Grab your friends and family for a memorable evening of entertainment. Don’t miss out on this unique event that promises to tickle your funny bone.

Leopold Mozart’s Toy Symphony features five guest soloists from our community playing toy instruments. We are happy to present Dr. Angélica Garcia, President/Superintendent of Santa Rosa Junior College; Andrew Bradford, President/CEO of the Santa Rosa Symphony; Keven Brown of Corricks; Chris Coursey, Sonoma County Board of Supervisors; and Mindi Levine, Morning Show Host at KRSH Radio.

Another featured piece is by P.D.Q. Bach – The Beethoven Symphony No. 5 Sportscast which is a creation that narrates the first movement of the great composer’s iconic Symphony as if it were an all-American sports event. Accompanying the orchestra are referee whistles, sportscasting analysis and howls of outrage – all while the commentators guide the listener through the instruments of the orchestra, different symphonic terms, as well as the intricacies of Classical form. It is a masterpiece of music appreciation – all done while laughing!

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Santa Rosa Junior College Burbank Auditorium

1501 Mendocino Ave - Santa Rosa

Price: $12.00