On March 9, those on the Early Blooming Wildflowers walk will learn how to identify various wildflowers and their potential pollinators, and how to recognize common Sonoma County plant family characteristics in this deep dive into wildflowers.
The walk will be led by Deborah Large, the author, editor, and photographer of the Jack London Park “Blooming Now” wildflower guide and a long-time park naturalist.
The two-hour event, 10 a.m. to noon, will include about two miles of slow-paced walking with some elevation gain. Participants should wear sturdy shoes, dress in layers, bring a snack, water, and optional hiking poles.
Tickets are $15, in addition to park admission ($10 per vehicle, up to nine passengers). Purchase tickets at https://jacklondonpark.com/events/early-wildflowers-2024/.
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Jack London State Historic Park
2400 London Ranch Rd.
- Glen Ellen
Price: $15.00