$20 General Admission
Doors at 7:30pm.
Show from 8:15-10:30pm with one intermission
Songwriters at Large
Three celebrated North Bay based singer/songwriters, Jesse Brewster, Darren Nelson, and Allyson Paige are coming together for an intimate evening of songs, stories and laughs.
https://jessebrewster.com https://www.instagram.com/jessebrewstermusic/ https://www.facebook.com/jessebrewstermusic http://allysonpaige.com/ https://www.facebook.com/AllysonPaigeMusic/ https://darrennelsonmusic.com/ https://www.facebook.com/darren.nelson.73
Recommended If You Like: Jason Isbell, Levon Helm, Patty Griffin
Vaccines, boosters, and masks are strongly encouraged, but are not required as per local Public Health Policy.
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The Lost Church Santa Rosa
576 Ross Street
- Santa Rosa
Price: $20.00