King Tides Observation with Stewards of the Coast & Redwoods

King Tides observation with Stewards of the Coast & Redwoods.
Thu, January 11, 2024, 9:30 am - 11:00 am

Observe the highest and lowest tides of 2024 with Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods!

Please join us for an introduction to the King Tides project and a rare opportunity to observe both the highest and lowest tides of the year on January 11th, at Campbell Cove, in Bodega Bay!

Safety is our first priority while observing King Tides, at High Tide. To observe the King Tide meet, at Campbell Cove by 9:30 AM. This portion of the day includes active participation in documenting the occurrence. The peak high tide is at 9:52 AM, predicted height is 6.72 ft. If you would like to learn more please contact

After the morning King Tides, guests are welcome to return to observe and compare the corresponding extreme low tide during sunset 5:19 PM, at −1.47 ft. Be prepared to get wet while exploring tide pools! Extra clothes and appropriate footwear is recommended.

To prepare please visit the the California Coastal Commission’s website: King Tides Project

What is a King Tide? NOAA Video

Cause and Effect Tides NatGeo Video

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Campbell Cove