Join Sugarloaf docent Dana Glei in a 2-mile hike (250 ft elevation change) focusing on some of the most social birds at Sugarloaf: woodpeckers. Learn how to identify them by sight, sound, flight pattern, and/or behavior. We are almost certain to see acorn woodpeckers, and might be able to spot Northern flickers, pileated woodpeckers, Nuttall’s woodpeckers, Downy woodpeckers, Hairy woodpeckers, or Red-breasted sapsuckers. We’ll meet at the White Barn. From there, we’ll start off hiking toward the Observatory, continue on Lower Bald Mt. to Creekside Trail, and then up Hillside Trail, where we will stop at the lookout vista. We’ll make our return to the White Barn via Hillside.
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Sugarloaf Ridge State Park
2605 Adobe Canyon Rd
- Kenwood