Surfer Joe at The Big Easy

Surfer Joe
Thu, April 27, 2023, 8:00 pm - 11:30 pm

One of the most respected artists in modern surf music. Surfer Joe represents the true, authentic side of surf music, carrying on the legacy of the original Californian bands of the early 60s with their sound and energy, but of course, showcasing his own style. The compositions of Surfer Joe are generally very melodic, appealing to attentive listeners, but also easily recognizable, memorable, and accessible to any kind of audience, so someone defined his records as “instant classics”. The live show is loaded with great energy, it’s extremely dynamic, but also powerful when necessary, featuring the most typical reverb-drenched surf sounds.

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The Big Easy

128 American Alley - Petaluma

Price: $15.00