Trashion BARBIE: “Reclaimed & Reinvented”

Barbie Trashion Fashion in Sonoma
Thu, March 28, 2024, 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Opening Reception
Thursday, March 28th from 5:30 – 7:30pm

Free entry

Auction bidding opens

Free Refreshments will be served

Closing Reception Friday, April 12th
at the FREE Trash Bash Wrap Up Party

Gallery Exhibit open to view

Last day to bid on Barbies

Take home your “Rescued” doll to her “Reinvented” life

The Gallery Exhibit is free and will be open every day after opening night, beginning Friday, March 29th through Friday, April 12th from 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM.

Trashion BARBIE: “Reclaimed & Reinvented” Gallery Exhibit and Silent Auction showcases Barbie dolls and other dolls 12 inches or under that are repurposed into new works of recycled art. Saved from the landfills where the plastic dolls will often take twenty to possibly 500 years to decompose; these dolls have been donated by RecologyBon Marche Thrift Store and individuals who dig them out of their closets and donate. We give them a “Spa Day” cleaning and welcome the public of all ages and from all over the world to create and submit their entries.

The Exhibit is curated by artist and interior designer, Chris Weller and this gallery of “small wonders” kicks off all our Trashion Fashion week(s) events. This year the silent auction and the availability to bid is in person. However if you are unable to make it to the exhibit or do not have a friend to do your bidding for you, we can arrange a proxy bidder here with a Sonoma Community Center staff member. Email Molly Spencer to arrange. All auction proceeds benefit Sonoma Community Center arts programming.

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Sonoma Community Center

276 E Napa Street - Sonoma