From out of the past come the archetypal women of Troy: Helen, the beauty, Cassandra, the truth-teller, Hecuba, the matriarch, Andromache, the rock, Polyxena, the ghost, and the Women of the Chorus, the time-travelers. Come one come all. Tonight and every night. Alive Alive Alive. Positively Alive. Step right up, Ladies and Gentlemen. The women of Troy and their Amazing Traveling Side Show Extravaganza, WARCIRCUS!
WarCircus is a modern, deconstructed tragicomedy, an adaptation of the great classic Greek play The Trojan Women by Euripides, about the Trojan War and the fates of the women who survive it. WarCircus re-visions this classic story as a traveling circus.
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Sonoma State University Ives Hall
1801 East Cotati Ave
- Rohnert Park
Price: $12.00