It’s wildflower season! Join us as we observe the signs of spring in Sonoma County. Hood Mountain has experienced two significant wildfire events since 2017 and uncovers many flowering plants not normally observed. We’ll look for these “fire followers,” blooms that only appear after the land has burned. The cost is $10 for Sonoma County residents and $12 for out of county attendees. For more information, contact Katja Svendsen at communityengagementprograms@sonoma-county.org. Registration required.
Please bring your own water. We recommend participants wear water shoes, dress in layers and bring a hat and sunscreen. Most programs will happen rain or shine, but may be canceled during heavy rains, heavy smoke, or extreme temperatures. Accommodations will be made for visitors with disabilities upon advance request. Parking is $7 or free with a Regional Parks membership.
Sign up on Sonoma County Regional Parks website.
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Hood Mountain Regional Park
1450 N. Pythian Road
- Santa Rosa