2021 Eco-Friendly Garden Tour

Eco Garden Tour
Sat, May 15, 2021, 10:00 am

The 2021 Eco-Friendly Garden Tour will take place on Saturday, May 15th. This tour will be entirely online and feature over 15 eco-friendly gardens throughout Sonoma and Marin counties. The tour will showcase professionally filmed videos of gardens including an elementary school that has been transformed into a children’s native landscape and a Garden Sense sponsored garden that is a must see in Petaluma!

The online garden tour is free, but registration is required!

The Eco-Friendly Garden Tour is a public outreach and education program that promotes sustainable landscaping practices by showcasing inspiring gardens throughout Sonoma and Marin counties. The Tour highlights Russian River-Friendly and Bay-Friendly landscaping best practices, and supports Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper certified professionals by featuring their personal or client’s gardens.

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