2021 Sonoma County Moves for a Cause Virtual 5K/10K Fundraiser

Tue, May 18, 2021, 7:00 am - 7:00 pm

Sign up for the Sonoma County Moves for a Cause Virtual 5K/10K! Get moving outdoors anytime, anywhere while giving back to great local causes! Run, walk, or hike a 5K or 10K at a time and place of your choosing between 5/10 and 5/30. Details below!

May 10th – May 30th, 2021
7:00am – 7:00pm
*Registration closes May 3rd*

To register, visit https://charity.gofundme.com/o/en/campaign/socomoves4acause2021

Registration of $25 includes:
????Entry to the Sonoma County Moves for a Cause Virtual 5K/10K
????Official event T-Shirt
????Official event drawstring bag
????Juncture Taproom & Lounge sunglasses (donated by event sponsor: Juncture Taproom & Lounge)
????Donation to Sonoma County Dancers United and the Small Business Hardship Fund – Sonoma County on your behalf

Thank you to Juncture Taproom & Lounge for their generous donation & support!

Use #SoCoMoves4Cause and tag @scdancersunited and @sbhfsoco to share photos of your accomplishment and spread the word about our causes on social media! Join the Facebook Group: 2021 Sonoma County Moves for a Cause Virtual 5K/10K Fundraiser. All participants who post in the Facebook Group will have a chance to win gift certificates to local businesses. https://www.facebook.com/groups/205688107679490/

This May 2021, two local non-profits, Sonoma County Dancers United (SCDU) and the Small Business Hardship Fund – Sonoma County (SBHF), are teaming up to facilitate this local virtual event. All proceeds will benefit our organizations’ missions with half going to each organization. SCDU will use the funds to provide summer dance studio scholarships for children and teens in Sonoma County. SBHF will provide emergency preparedness kits for small businesses with less than 15 employees.

We hope you will join us in this opportunity to exercise outdoors in beautiful Sonoma County. Together we can empower our youth and local businesses with the resources to overcome the challenges of these unprecedented times.

How to Participate
????Register for the Sonoma County Moves for a Cause Virtual 5K/10K and complete a 5K (3.1 miles) or 10K (6.2 miles) at a time and place of your choosing between May 10, 2021 and May 30, 2021.

????When registering, choose between two ticket options to indicate how you would like to receive your event swag:

(Option 1): Pick-up your event swag anytime between 2-8pm during May 6th – May 9th at Juncture Taproom & Lounge located at 4357 Montgomery Dr, Santa Rosa, CA 95405.

(Option 2): Receive your event swag via mail. Shipping cost of $7 is added to this ticket option. Packages will ship within 3-5 business days (beginning April 26, 2021).

????Join the Facebook Group: 2021 Sonoma County Moves for a Cause Virtual 5K/10K Fundraiser. All participants who post in this Facebook Group will have a chance to win gift certificates to local businesses. https://www.facebook.com/groups/205688107679490/

????After you complete your 5K or 10K, use #SoCoMoves4Cause to share photos of your accomplishment and spread the word about our causes on social media!

Visit our Facebook Event page for more details.


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Price: $25.00