33rd Annual Great Sonoma Crab & Wine Fest

Sat, February 4, 2023, 4:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Medal Winning Wines, Fabulous Local Cuisine, Impressive Live, and Silent Auctions!

The 33rd Annual Great Sonoma Crab and Wine Fest is the premier Crab and Wine event in the North Bay Area! Join over 2,000 supporters from the agriculture and business communities as we gather to support local agricultural education programs and advocacy.

This fun and exciting evening has received rave reviews and is the largest crab feed in California and maybe even the U.S.! Combined with a reception featuring premier Sonoma County beer, wine and spirits, live music, and an impressive silent and live auction, the Great Sonoma Crab & Wine Fest makes for one of the year’s best events and an evening you don’t want to miss!

Proceeds benefit Sonoma County Farm Bureau’s agricultural education activities, including Ag Days for over 4,000 elementary school students, teachers, and parents, Foundation scholarships, 4-H & FFA, Young Farmers & Ranchers, youth leadership activities, local fair exhibitors, training, and advocacy efforts. Strengthen Farm Bureau’s collective impact by supporting this epic event.

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Sonoma County Event Center at the Fairgrounds

1350 Bennett Valley Road - Santa Rosa

Price: 150.00