60th Annual Sonoma County 4-H Chicken Que

Sun, May 2, 2021, 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Celebrate 60 years of the Sonoma County 4-H Chicken Que with a drive thru event from noon-3pm on Sunday, May 2nd at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds – Sara Lee Barn!

Meal tickets are $15, there are whole Koslowski pies baked fresh by Costeaux Bakery ($18), and 60th anniversary t-shirts ($10), hats ($12), and a commemorative hot/cold tumbler ($20).

If you have family, friends and co-workers who would like to support 4-H and get a delicious meal in return, please encourage them to purchase tickets online.

THIS EVENT IS PRE-SALE ONLY. TICKETS WILL BE ON SALE THROUGH APRIL 21st: http://cesonoma.ucanr.edu/4H/ChickenQue/



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Sonoma County Fairgrounds

1350 Bennett Valley Road - Santa Rosa

Price: $15.00