7 Minutes MAX Storytelling at OCA

Fri, March 14, 2025, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

  7MinutesMAX Storytelling at Occidental Center for the Arts. Join us for West County’s new on-going storytelling community!  Stories teach us about life, ourselves and each other. 7MinutesMAX is an evening of 7 live stories, hilarious or poignant personal tales told in 7 minutes, or less. Theme: ‘Heroes’. Mature audiences. Interested storytellers will have a chance to throw their name in the hat to present their story by random selection. Refreshments for sale including wine/beer. $10 GA/$5 OCA Members at www.occidentalcenterforthearts.org; or at the door. Wheelchair accessible.

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Occidental Center for the Arts

3850 Doris Murphy Ct. (Bohemian Hwy @ Graton Rd.) - Occidental