Alaska Native Day at Fort Ross

Alaska Native Day at Fort Ross
Sat, May 27, 2023, 9:30 am - 4:00 pm

Alaska Native Day is a bi-annual event at Metini, the traditional homelands of the Kashaya Pomo. This event celebrates the rich history and present culture of Alaska Native Peoples that were forcefully relocated from their homelands to Fort Ross from 1812-1841.

*Saturday, May 27th*

**9:30 AM** – Blessing for Nigilax at Sandy Cove
**10:00 AM** – Nigilax Launch at Sandy Cove
**1:00 PM** – Alaska Native Speakers at Fort
**2:00 PM** – Unangax Dancers at Fort

*Sunday, May 28th*

**1:00 PM – 4:00 PM** – Crafting

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Fort Ross State Historic Park

19005 Coast Highway One - Jenner