All Day Plant Walk – CNC Weekend at Sugarloaf

Sun, May 2, 2021, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Join Botanist, Peter Warner, in a day-long exploration at Sugarloaf. Our route will be cover grasslands, oak woodlands, and chaparral as well as significant (but slow) hills. The numerous stops will give us a chance to document wildlife with the iNaturalist app. We’ll meet at the Visitor Center. Bring lots of water and wear good shoes for rocky and uneven trails. We will observe County Health orders including mask-wearing and physical distancing. Parking fees apply; heavy rain cancels.
City Nature Challenge runs from April 30th to May 3rd, 2021. It’s a bioblitz-style competition where cities are in a contest against each other to see who can make the most observations of nature, who can find the most species, and who can engage the most people. This event is part of the Challenge along with other events scheduled from 4/30-5/3.

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Sugarloaf Ridge State Park

2605 Adobe Canyon Rd - Kenwood