RECEPTION: Saturday, June 1, 2024; 3 – 6 pm: Join artists Phyllis Rapp and Linda Barretta to celebrate the show. Refreshments will be served.
Sonoma County artist, Phyllis Rapp, presents Cats and their Women, a collection of whimsical watercolor paintings of felines and their muses. Captivating and intriguing, colors and shapes dance in intricate patterns that capture the viewer’s imagination. The eyes have it in Mystical Companions, both beings – kitty and muse – project a “got the world by the tail” powerful presense. In Enchanted by Freedom and Colorful Companions, these kitties and their muses share an interlude with a bird (the former)), then a school of fish. Taking the viewer on flights of fancy, these works create a spell as if one had a special invitation to Alice’s tea party. “ I like to invite the viewer into my world and inspire, provote thought, and create a sense of wonder in all who experience it,” commented Rapp.
Born with a paintbrush in her hand, Rapp’s creative spirit ignited at a young age. From doodling on notebooks to experimenting with colors on canvas, art became a natural form of expression for her. After a career as a registered nurse, Rapp attended the Academy of Art in San Francisco where she received a degree in illustration. As a commercial illustrator, within a few years she became a fine artist and teacher. She has won numerous awards for her work and is a signature member of the California Watercolor Association; Rapp conducts art workshops in Northern California and Mexico.
Meet the Artist: Rapp will be hosting the Gallery June 5 & 15, 11 am to 6 pm.
The Stairway Small Works Showcase presents Linda Barretta’s Nature’s Edge, a collection of paintings that highlight Sonoma’s varied and beautiful natural assets. Vineyards, streams, forests, verdant meadows come alive in these works. In Dawn’s Embrace joyful pink clouds dance over vibrant mustard blooms. Known for working in the colorist tradition, she developed her impressionist style through numerous hours of plein air painting and studying with masters. “I like to make colors sing and vibrate – this is my goal,” noted Barretta.
Meet the Artist: Barretta will be hosting the Gallery June 7, 11am – 2:30 pm; June 17, 2:30 – 6 pm; June 26, 11am to 6 pm.
Upstairs Art Gallery, 306 Center Street, Healdsburg, CA 95448. (707) 431-4214.: OPEN DAILY: 11am – 6 pm www.upstairsartgallery.net
For further information, contact Beverly Bird, Press Contact, at bvdrio@sonic.net or 707-799-1490.
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Upstairs Art Gallery
306 Center Street
- Healdsburg