Join Sugarloaf docent Dana Glei in a 2-mile hike (250 ft elevation change) focusing on a specific family of birds and learning how to identify them by sight, sound, flight pattern, and/or behavior.
The series will culminate in April 8th, 2023, with a hike on New World Sparrows.
All hikes meet at the White Barn. Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for students, youth (12-17 year olds), Sugarloaf members and volunteers, and free for children under 12. Bring water, sun protection, binoculars, scope, or camera if you have it, and if you’d like, a snack and a bird identification guide. If you use iNaturalist or would like to learn how to use it, make sure it’s already installed on your phone before you arrive for the hike. Parking fees apply.
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Sugarloaf Ridge State Park
2605 Adobe Canyon Rd
- Kenwood
Price: $10.00