Band Concert: "New Perspectives"

Sat, October 21, 2023, 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

“New Perspectives”

  • Jerome Fleg, Director
  • Guest conductors: Nick Xenelis & Mark Wardlaw

A fresh take on music you thought you already knew.

Emmy-winning Scenes from The Louvre takes Renaissance inspired works to celebrate one of the world’s greatest museums.

Pastime turns baseball’s Take Me Out to the Ballgame into a modern exploration of mixed meter and color.

Jazz Band takes Gershwin’s classic I Got Plenty O’ Nuttin’ out of opera and into a Hip-hop Shuffle groove.

And a California composer leaves the formal ballroom and gives us rich harmonies in the waltz Patty!

Wednesday, October 21, 7:30pm
Burbank Auditorium, Santa Rosa Junior College

Buy Tickets! $12 General, $6 Student/Senior/Child

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Santa Rosa Junior College Burbank Auditorium

1501 Mendocino Ave - Santa Rosa

Price: $12.00