Beginner Birding Hike at Sugarloaf Park

Bird Hike Sugarloaf Park
Sun, September 3, 2023, 8:00 am - 11:00 am

Join Sugarloaf docent Dana Glei for a ~2.3-mile hike (~300’ elevation change) aimed at beginner birders. We will begin by talking about tools for identifying birds (e.g., bird ID books, binoculars, Merlin app) and tracking your sightings (eBird app). Throughout the hike, we will give you pointers for identifying particular species by sight, sound, flight pattern, and/or behavior.

On the hike, we are likely to see different types of woodpecker, corvids (such as CA scrub jay), raptors (such as red-tailed hawks), and New World sparrows (towhees) and other usual suspects such as Western bluebird, Black Phoebe, CA quail, Violet-Green swallow, and Oak titmouse.

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Sugarloaf Ridge State Park

2605 Adobe Canyon Rd - Kenwood