Beginning Birding Hike at Sugarloaf Park

Sat, May 27, 2023, 8:30 am - 11:30 am

Join Sugarloaf docent Dana Glei for a ~2.3-mile hike (~300’ elevation change) aimed at Beginner Birders. We will begin with a short lesson on some interesting points about bird anatomy. Throughout the hike, we will give you pointers for identifying particular species by sight, sound, flight pattern, and/or behavior.

On the hike, we are likely to see Acorn Woodpeckers, CA Scrub Jays, Dark-Eyed Juncos, Towhees (California and perhaps Spotted), Western Bluebird, Black Phoebes, Chestnut-backed Chickadees, CA Quails, American Crows, Turkey Vultures, and Red-Tailed Hawks. We might see one of 6 other species of woodpeckers, Oak Titmouse, Golden-Crowned Sparrow, Yellow‑Rumped Warbler (aka “Butterbutt”), Steller’s Jay, and/or Raven.

Meet at the White Barn. We’ll start off hiking toward the Observatory and then take Lower Bald Mt. to the Creekside trail.  Then, we will head to the back deck of the Visitor’s Center, which is a good site for birding. We’ll backtrack to the Creekside trail and continue on the Hillside trail to the  lookout vista. Then, we will return along Hillside to the White Barn.Tickets are $10 for general audiences, $5 for students, youth (12-17 year olds), Sugarloaf members, Sugarloaf volunteers, and free for children under 12. Bring water, sun protection, binoculars, and if you’d like, a snack and a bird identification guide.  Wear layers because it is likely to be cold in the early morning.

If you want to use iNaturalistMerlin (helpful for identifying birds by sound or picture), or eBird apps, make sure they are already installed on your phone before you arrive for the hike. Parking fees apply. Heavy rains cancel.

Ease of access: Lower Bald Mt Trail is a single track trail not accessible by wheelchair or stroller.

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Sugarloaf Ridge State Park

2605 Adobe Canyon Rd - Kenwood

Price: $10.00