Sun, December 18, 2022, 10:00 am
- 2:00 pm
The Biker Chicks are a team of women cyclists dedicated to getting more women out road riding. Rides are open to any woman who wants to join us! We ride as a group and have a lot of fun while we’re at it.
Ride Levels
- PICK UP THE PACE (25-30 miles, faster pace)
- IN THE GROOVE (25-30 miles, casual pace)
- EASY DOES IT (15-20 miles, casual pace)
- GATEWAY RIDE (8-10 miles, very easy pace)
Please sign up for our mailing list to be notified when registration opens for future rides!
Biker Chicks Ride tentative dates (subject to change when necessary) 2022 Season:
7/16 Saturday (Sonoma)
8/21 Sunday (Rohnert Park)
9/17 Saturday (Petaluma)
10/16 Sunday
11/19 Saturday
12/18 Sunday
Our Rides: What to Expect
- Bring: your road-ready bicycle, helmet, water, ID, cash for lunch, a spare tube, patch kit, mini pump.
- No chick is left behind! We always start off together and regroup many times throughout the ride. Some rides are meant for fitness, some are cruiser rides meant to be social and relaxed.
- All routes have ride leaders and ‘sweeps’ to help you on the way. Our ride leaders are Amy Loukonen, Anna Silveira, Barbara Phillips, Cathy Balach, Cherie Barnett, Cindy O’Grady, Cris Eggers, Christine Culver, Dawn Silveira, DeDe Seder, Janice Eunice, Karen Miller, Kris Culp, Laurel Green, Mary Jane Stimson, Nancy Cummings, Patricia Carreno, Peggy McCutcheson, Ruth Paternoster, Roberta Delgado, and Susan Noble
- Rain cancels the ride. We are fair-weather riders out for fun, not to prove a point 😉
- Ride locations are throughout Sonoma: Ride starting points vary all over Sonoma County, typically starting and ending at the same place.
- Routes are planned based on terrain, road safety and projected weather conditions.
- We usually stop at a restaurant or farmers market for an optional group lunch or drink.
- Riders will always have Chick support, no matter what her riding speed.
- Gateway- ride – an easy-breezy ride going 8 to 10 miles. Includes some helpful tips. Great for beginners or those who just want a short ride.
- Easy-does-it ride – a shorter distance ride (typically 15 to 20 miles), and casual speed of around 10-12mph.
- In-the-groove ride – a longer ride (25 – 30 miles) but still at a casual pace (moderate casual, 11-15mph)
- Pick-up-the-pace ride – same route as In-the-groove (25 – 30 miles) but at a faster pace (14-17mph). Keep in mind that we want all our rides to be as fun and as safe as possible. That is why we ask all Chicks to take the Bike Coalition’s Smart Cycling Class.
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Sonoma County Bicycle Coalition
750 Mendocino Avenue
- Santa Rosa