Bio Blitz at Bohemia Ecological Preserve

BioBlitz with Land Paths at Bohemia Preserve
Sat, May 18, 2024, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Calling all citizen scientists! LandPaths is hosting a Bioblitz at its Bohemia Ecological Preserve from 10 AM to 2 PM on Saturday May 18. A bioblitz is a community citizen-science effort to record as many species as possible at a specific location for a specific period of time. Data collected during a bioblitz can then be used by scientists all over the world to support conservation and conduct research. A bioblitz is also a great excuse for budding naturalists, kids, and members of the public to meet in person in the great outdoors and have a lot of fun. 

Public participation is what separates bioblitzes from traditional biological inventories. We use an app called iNaturalist to record observations by species. Not sure of what that snake or flower or tree is? iNaturalist helps by suggesting identifications for you. Because iNaturalist observations are independently identified and verified as research-quality data, your bioblitz data, no matter how much experience you’ve had, will contribute directly to science. 

LandPaths will collate all the data we collect and share the results with participants so you will know how big of an impact you have. The data will also be used by LandPaths’ stewardship team to help make decisions on how best to manage our lands for the plants and animals that live…

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