Bring Your Own Telescope to the Robert Ferguson Observatory

Tue, July 6, 2021, 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Do you have a telescope at home that you just don’t use because you’re not sure how it works? Or, are you looking to purchase or upgrade a telescope but don’t know where to start? Then this class is for you! We will start with educating you on how telescopes work, the pros and cons of different telescopes, items to consider when purchasing, or upgrading a scope, and the basics of telescope operations. You’ll also receive one-on-one time with some of our knowledgeable docents who will assist you in operating your scope and can also show you what they can see through their own personal telescopes. Bringing a telescope is not required, but if you plan to do so, please email Stephanie at to inform her what type of scope you are bringing prior to the event so we can be best prepared to help you.

You MUST have a ticket to attend this event; tickets will not be sold at the door.

Cost is $25 per adult, $20 for seniors 60+ and $20 for students. $50 for families from the same household. A $10 per vehicle State Park parking fee is also required. If coming with a family, please email and indicate how many adults and how many children are in your party.

Per recent state and CDC Covid guidelines, masks are no longer required at our events. However, we strongly encourage those people who have not been vaccinated to continue wearing masks to keep our visitors and docents safe. Thank you!

RFO is operated by the Valley of the Moon Observatory Association, a 501(3)(c) nonprofit organization, and all of the proceeds will go towards maintaining this beloved Sonoma county institution.

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Robert Ferguson Observatory

2605 Adobe Canyon Road - Kenwood