After the years rain, it is butterfly and dragonfly season!
Join CA Certified Naturalist John Lynch on this 5-mile guided nature hike, with approximately 800 feet of elevation gain. We’ll be looking up rather than down to discover what’s flying around, learning a little about creek, pond, and meadow habitats. Our route will explore the Lower Bald Mountain Trail to look for some summer wildflowers and over to the Vista Trail to a small pond/marsh for butterflies and dragonflies with return via Meadow Trail, as well as a short detour to the “Butterfly Crossing” at Rattlesnake Creek.
Meet at the White Barn parking area. Wear comfortable clothing, appropriate footwear for rocky/slippery trails, and sun protection. Bring at least a quart of water, and if you desire, a snack, butterfly or wildflower guides, or a camera. Rain cancels. Parking fees apply.
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Sugarloaf Ridge State Park
2605 Adobe Canyon Rd
- Kenwood