City of Santa Rosa’s Wildfire Ready Resource Fair

Sat, August 19, 2023, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

This event will feature an array of exhibitors and three seminars, providing valuable knowledge and resources to help individuals, families, and the community stay safe and resilient in the face of wildfires.

Highlights of the 2023 Wildfire Ready Resource Fair include:

Seminars by leading local experts:
10:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.: “Prepare for Wildfire and Harden Your Home Now to Protect it from RED!” presented by Roberta Macintyre, President of Fire Safe Sonoma.
11:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.: “Are You Ready for an Emergency, Santa Rosa?” presented by Neil Bregman, Emergency Manager, and Paul Lowenthal, Division Chief Fire Marshal of the Santa Rosa Fire Department
1:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.: “Ecological Land Practices and Fire Safe Landscaping” presented by Bob Schneider, Design and Implementation Manager of Sonoma Ecology Center
Exhibitors Showcase:
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.: Explore a wide range of exhibitors, including local fire departments, emergency management agencies, insurance providers, environmental organizations, and more. They will provide educational materials and expert advice on how to prepare for and mitigate wildfire risks effectively.
Food will also be available to purchase from a local food vendor.
Go Bags to the first 150 attendees to RSVP
The go bags will contain things you will want to have if you need to leave in a hurry. To qualify for a free go bag, attendees must RSVP in advance, limit one go bag per household, and be present on August 19 to collect the go bag.

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Finley Community Center

2060 West College Avenue - Santa Rosa