Come Join other local couples at the Flamingo Resort & Spa on February 13th for a romantic night of connection and movement!
Hosted by YogaSoco and let by Local Fitness Instructor, Angela Fallon, this event is the perfect Valentine’s Day Pre-Game activity for you and your partner to come enjoy together.
Yoga will happen in the Spoken Room followed by a mixer in the Lazeaway Club Bar (additional food and beverage can be purchased separately). 6:00-8:30PM. Arrive 15 minutes early to allow for parking and sign-in.
$75 includes Yoga Session + Two Beverage Vouchers per couple. No Drink Voucher Tickets available for $55. Additional Beverages and Food can be purchased separately from Lazeaway Club Bar during the Mixer Portion of the event
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Flamingo Resort Hotel
2777 4th Street
- Santa Rosa
Price: $75.00