Embers of Awakening: From Firestorms to Climate Healing

Wildfire damage: Embers of Awakening: From Firestorms to Climate Healing
Wed, August 17, 2022, 6:15 pm

Embers of Awakening blends the powerful personal stories from 2017 Tubbs fire survivors to bring the global climate crisis home to Sonoma County. We want viewers to leave with active hope – reflecting on the science and stories shared to consider what they can do personally to mitigate the greatest existential human-induced challenge our planet has ever faced.

This event is sponsored by the Rotary Club of Healdsburg.
6:15 PM: Climate and Environment Information Fair
7:00 PM: Embers of Awakening Film
8:20 PM: Panel discussion with panel members Phyllis Rosenfield, Claudia Luke, Ph.D., John Mihalik, M.D., and Marshall Turbeville.

General Admission: $10

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Raven Performing Arts Theater

115 North Street - Healdsburg