Family Wildflower Walk Bohemia Ecological Preserve

Bohemia wildflower hike
Sun, May 19, 2024, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Gather with your loved ones for a family friendly adventure in Bohemia Ecological Preserve. On this family-friendly hike, we will explore the beauty of the Bohemia Ecological Preserve and engage all five senses to identify wildflowers, marvel at the fullness of the creek, and listen and look for birds and other wildlife. We will weave song and story and nature art into our exploration of the ecosystems and the watershed of Bohemia.
We will ask you to sign a waiver of liability
There is no potable water on the property
There is a porta restroom on the property
We ask that you leave your pets at home for this event.
This hike is suitable for all ages but will include a fairly steep hike up and hike down. There is an elevation gain of 500 feet over a little less than a mile.
About the area:
The Bohemia Ecological Preserve is a 1,000-acre protected open space preserve with 554 acres of the preserve stewarded by LandPaths and the rest by a private landowner. This preserve is located in the western hills of Sonoma County.

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