Feel Good Music Show: Summer Celebration

Fri, June 25, 2021, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Welcome to Our Second Classic, Feel Good Music Show w/ Hosts Joshua Bluegreen-Cripps & Kyle Craft Featuring Singer Jacqui Gallagher & Sopranos Christa Durand (Owner, Music to My Ears) & Sofia Grace Ferar Performing Classic, Feel Good Music w/ Pianist John Simon. Live Drawing by Jase will Create Live Art at The Big Easy Courtyard.

We debuted this Show in May to a Great Big Gathering in the Courtyard Outside the Big Easy. The Audience was Very Enthusiastic & We Had a Blast! Our Expectations were Greatly Exceeded, so we are Thrilled to Present Our Next Offering of Top Norcal Talent Performing Classic, Feel Good Music (& Art!).

Joshua will DJ & Perform Classical, Jazz & Pop Music on the Trumpet.

Kyle Craft Violinist will also perform Popular Songs including Showtunes, Pop Music and Some Iconic Classical Music!

Artists will use backing tracks as well as LIVE Piano Accompaniment by the Phenomenal Pianist John Simon. High Quality Sound Systems Provided by Joshua Bluegreen-Cripps & Co.

We are Excited to Feature Jacqui Gallagher, who is known for her natural voice and unique interpretations of jazz classics and contemporary American standards. Originally from London, Jacqui sang at the Royal Albert Hall and in area musical productions in her native England. She has been performing in the Bay Area for several years at private parties, senior communities, area wineries and hotels including most recently the Robert Young Estate Winery and for multiple events at the Hotel Petaluma.

Special Guest Soprano Christa Durand is an arts educator, vocal technician & breathing coach. Ms. Durand is co-owner of Music to My Ears, the Premiere Arts School in Norcal. Find out more at FunMusicLessons.com. She will sing Feel Good Classical Music.

Sophia Grace Ferar will Return as Guest Artist following her well-received performance in May. She will sing Opera and Classical Music plus a Jazz Tune!

Pianist John Simon will accompany Jacqui & Kyle. He was born in Philadelphia, PA, where he has studied piano since the age of 8. He received both a Bachelors (1976) and Masters Degree (1978) in Music Composition at the Esther Boyer College of Music at Temple University in Philadelphia.

John has appeared with a diversity of musicians and groups, including Spirogyra, David Sanborn, The Braxton Brothers, Ray Obiedo, Little Anthony, The Coasters, Terry Bradford, Cat Austin, Linda Kosut, Bonnie Brooks, Nancy Tierney, Paula Samonte, Kelly Brandeburg, Janie Roberts, the Ukiah Symphony Orchestra, the Gene Krupa Big Band, the Blue Note Collective, the Blue Moon Dance Band and many others.

There will be some Surprise Collaboration between Artists at the Show. Joshua & Kyle will play with Jacqui on a tune or 2!

Jase will Create Art Inspired by the Show in Front of Your Eyes! He Will even Draw You &/or Your Guests if You Like, Just Ask!

Relax, Have Some Wine, A Micro Brew or Belgian on Tap, or Gourmet Eats. Yum! Full Dinner Menu from SpeakEasy Restaurant delivered to Your Table (for Select Outdoor Seating). Hang & Feel Live Music & Positive Vibes!

Sponsored in part by Lavender Touch Skin Care Studio & British Marketing Enterprises in Conjunction with wwwPartyEventEntertainment.com, www.KyleCraftViolinist.com & www.LavendarTouchSkincare.com.


The Big Easy: 128 American Aly, Petaluma, California 94952.

Venue/Info/ Dinner Reservations: (707) 776-4631

PARKING: Free & Secure parking @ The Garage on Keller Street across from The Phoenix Theater

Suggested Donation $0-20

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The Big Easy

128 American Alley - Petaluma