Join Sonoma Ecology Center naturalists with an exploration through the Calabazas Creek Open Space Preserve. This guided hike led by SEC staff explores this riparian forested trail impacted by the 2017 Nunns Fire. The preserve is only accessible to the public on guided outings and is known for its stunning vistas, open meadows, waterfalls, and oak woodlands. Calabazas Creek provides hikers with a multitude of microclimates as well as a rigorous hike. Bring along friends and family, and a picnic lunch to enjoy with us!
The Calabazas Creek Open Space Preserve was protected by Ag + Open Space in October of 2004 for recreation and preservation of its natural resources, including the stretch of Calabazas Creek that cascades down the canyon. The 1,290-acre property, overlooking the Valley of the Moon, is one of the most exquisite natural sites in Sonoma Valley, containing a wide array of habitats and breathtaking vistas.
This is a strenuous hike with substantial elevation gain, on established trails. Please bring water and lunch, and be prepared for that day’s weather. There is a shallow water crossing. The hike will go on in light rain, but heavy rain will cancel the outing. There is no charge for this outing, which is made possible by the voters of Sonoma County who fund the work of Ag + Open Space with a quarter-cent sales tax.
Advance registration required.
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