Fire Recovery Walk at Sugarloaf Ridge State Park

Sugarloaf fire recovery walk
Sat, February 27, 2021, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Join Sonoma Ecology Center’s Educator Program Manager Tony Passantino to learn how to interpret fire landscapes at Sugarloaf that burned in the recent wildfires. We will be assessing burned trees, learning how to interpret fire-affected landscapes, and watching for special “fire follower” wildflowers. Discussion questions include: Why did this happen? What does it mean? How do we prepare for it happening again?
We will be walking 2 miles up a continual incline from the main parking lot, gaining 700 ft. in elevation in one mile. We return down a rough, paved, continually descending road. Please wear sturdy footwear, and bring trekking poles if you typically use them. We will observe County Health Ordinances of mask-wearing and social distancing. Parking fees apply.

Advance registration required.


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Sugarloaf Ridge State Park

2605 Adobe Canyon Rd - Kenwood