Kick off the new year with us with the Annual First Day Hikes! California State Parks will participate at parks across the state in this national-led effort that encourages individuals and families to experience the beautiful natural and cultural resources found in the outdoors with a seasoned guide so that they may be inspired to take advantage of these treasures throughout the year.
Make sure to dress in layers, bring plenty of snacks and water, and appropriate hiking shoes. Visit the latest COVID-19 guidelines and additional safety tips for more information.
Visitors are encouraged to share their experiences on social media using the hashtags: #HikeInto2023, #FirstDayHike2023, #HikeWithCAStateParks and #CAStateParks.
Where: Visitor Center
Time: 2:30 p.m.
Parking: Park’s parking lot.
What to expect: The walks will take participants along the park’s stunning bluffs and will offer spectacular views of the ocean and beaches below. Visitors will also explore the diverse and beautiful plant life that inhabits the area. This event is also a great opportunity to explore the area’s rich history.
Length of hike: The hike is anticipated to last a couple of hours.
Ages: 8 and up. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Preparation: Please bring your own water, a bag lunch, layered clothing, sunscreen, headwear, hiking boots (be prepared for some possible brisk wind and seaside moisture) and if desired, optional hiking sticks, binoculars, and camera.
Special instructionsThis event has a fee of $15/person. Also see Salt Point State Park hike to participate in the morning hike.
Contact: Fort Ross Conservancy at info@fortross.org or call (707) 847-3437.
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Fort Ross State Historic Park
19005 Coast Highway One
- Jenner