March is sold out. Check on tix for April 26.
Sells out quickly!
Bring a flashlight and your sense of wonder as you explore the park after dark. This hike begins at the White Barn and heads up either to Bald Mountain or to the viewpoint on Vista Trail, where we will see the moon rise over the Mayacamas and the sun set over Sonoma Valley.
The Bald Mountain route is strenuous and will cover 6.5 miles with 1500 plus of vertical with some steep sections. It leaves the meeting parking lot at 5:30pm.
The Vista Trail route is a moderate to strenuous 4-mile hike with 700ft of elevation and begins at 6:30 pm.
Be at the meeting location at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the hike for a prompt departure. Bring your mask, water, snacks, and extra layers for the evening. Parking fees and social distancing apply.
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Sugarloaf Ridge State Park
2605 Adobe Canyon Rd
- Kenwood