Ginger Beat sings life’s journeys over the rhythms of Cuba, the Caribbean, and the American South.
Ginger Beat mixes it up with sole shaking dance tunes, soul travelers’ grooves, and call outs to Boomers older and bolder. Ginger Beat musicians create a world community on stage, with talent that has performed collectively in Europe, India, Cuba, and South America, along with inner-cities and bluegrass country-sides of the United States. These are seasoned multi-instrumentalists who are rendering original, highly-crafted compositions. The sound is essentially acoustic, designed to rouse the listener with driving rhythms, played and sung through drums and voices. The solos come from stringed instruments, saxes and flutes, and keyboards. The stories come from life’s journeys. Some songs are sweet. Others are challenging. And they are all family-friendly and spicy fun!
Free in the Abbey.
Presented by Peacetown.
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HopMonk Tavern – Sebastopol
230 Petaluma Ave
- Sebastopol