Fall planting season is here! Hallberg Butterfly Gardens is having a plant sale over two weekends in October, the 7-8th & 14-15th. 9am – 3pm by appointment, please. We have a variety of exciting Ca native plants this year, as well as old favorites like native milkweed, dutchman’s pipe, buckwheats, salvia, red flowering currant, ceanothus, lupine, monkey flower, and much more. A majority of the plants were grown from seed right here in our nursery with the help of hard working volunteers. All proceeds from our sale directly benefit the gardens and our local pollinators. Please visit our website for a complete plant list and to book an appointment: https://hallbergbutterflygardens.org/plant-sales. Thank you!
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Hallberg Butterfly Gardens
8687 Oak Grove Road
- Sebastopol