Healdsburg Saturday Farmers’ Market Pumpkin Festival

Healdsburg Pumpkin Festival
Sat, October 28, 2023, 8:30 am - 12:00 pm

The Pumpkin Festival incorporates 3 competitions, with each contest divided by age groups.

Registration: 8:30-9:30am (Decorated Car Racers)  10:30 (Costume Competition and Carving Competition)
Judging: 9:30-9:50 (Race Cars)  10:45 (Carved Pumpkins and Costume Competition)
Decorated Race Pumpkin winners announced: 9:55
Pumpkin Car Races: 10am-10:30am
Costume voting/winner announced: 10:40am-10:50am
Carving winners announced: 11am Carving Must Be Finished by 10:45 to qualify for judging.

Prizes are donated by local businesses, plus we give out Market Bucks, good for any vendor at the market!


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West Plaza Lot

North & Vine Streets - Healdsburg