Sat, February 15, 2025, 10:00 am
- 12:00 pm
Although birding is a year-round activity in Sonoma County, birds sing less and are not as active in the winter, so they can be harder to find. Are you up for a challenge? We’ll set out to find and identify our resident birds and winter visitors by sight, sound, and habitat – let’s see if we can spot at least 20 species. Bring binoculars if you have them; water and a snack. The walk will be about 3 miles with some up/downhill.
Hike Leader Carolyn Greene is a curious general naturalist, who has been observing, pondering, and asking questions about birds for decades. Her degree is in biogeography from the University of California. She has worked as a field biologist, conducting birding and botanical restoration and research for the past 25 years, for local parks, the California State Parks system, and the U.S. National Park Service. She leads field trips for the Madrone Audubon Society, is a certified California Naturalist and “Cal Nat” trainer, is always eager to share birding tidbits, and her birding mantra is “always rely on multiple field characteristics.”
Limited to 10 birders of all ages. Rain cancels.
$10 per person plus $10 per car entry free (up to 9 passengers)
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Jack London State Historic Park
2400 London Ranch Rd.
- Glen Ellen
Price: $10.00