Pssst . . . just in case you didn’t know, Sebastopol Community Market is hosting the Trashlantis After Party, promising to be a special and unique event! Trashlantis has chosen none other than the highly popular Renovators to rock and dance the night away.
Expect innovative aquatic trash adorned costumes, human powered sculpture vehicles dazzling in lights, awesome food from our Deli Hot Bar, and plenty of beverage options from The Garden. It is also a great way to say thank you to all the Trashlantis volunteers and vendors that are bringing the Trashlantis Festival event to our community for the first time. So, make a fun day and night of it and attend both events in honor of North Bay Zero Waste Week. If the spirit moves you, wear your own Trashlantis creative costume. See you there!
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Community Market Sebastopol
6762 Sebastopol Avenue
- Sebastopol