Junior League of Napa-Sonoma's 5th Annual Ride-a-Rig

Sun, June 12, 2022, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Every child loves to explore, climb, and touch. Ride-a-Rig provides the unique opportunity for children to explore vehicles of all types, including public service, emergency, utility, construction, landscaping, transportation, delivery, and just plain cool vehicles all in one place! Children will be allowed to get behind the wheels, honk the horns, and meet the people who help build, protect, and serve our community.   The event runs from 10 am to 2 pm with siren-free hours 10:00 am to 11:30 am.

Locally, for over 20 years, the Junior League of Napa-Sonoma has been instrumental in the development of a number of community resources, including the Valley of the Moon Children’s Home on-site library, the Sonoma Kinship Center (support for relative caregivers), V.O.I.C.E.S Sonoma (support for youth aging out of the foster care system) and the Children’s Museum of Sonoma County (Museum-on-the-Go). We have helped to sustain a number of community causes, including the Blue Ribbon Campaign, Maternal Mental Health awareness, A Special Place at the YWCA, Ceres Project, and the Sonoma County Human Trafficking Task Force.

Funds raised directly support our signature projects including GLOW (Girls Leading Our World) female empowerment workshops for underserved local high school girls, as well as the Living Room day shelter’s annual Valentine’s Day project, and the important work of the Sonoma County Human Trafficking Task Force.

Tickets are $7 in advance and $8 at the Brookwood Avenue gate. Visit jlns.org/ride-a-rig.html to purchase your tickets today!


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Sonoma County Fairgrounds

1350 Bennett Valley Road - Santa Rosa

Price: $7.00