Kids and Families Guided Hike and Scavenger Hunt

Family hike at Jenner Headlands
Sat, July 9, 2022, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Kids and their families are invited to join us for a guided hike on Saturday, July 9th beginning at 10am.

We will hike a section of the Raptor Ridge Loop Trail up to the Red Barn where there is an amazing view of the coast and tables for a picnic lunch. Round trip, it is approximately 3.12 miles. This trail is uphill, so a moderate challenge, but if your kid is anything like Kirsten’s son, it will be a great experience!

Parking is limited, so carpooling is highly encouraged!

We recommend downloading the Seek app before arriving so you and your kids can scan and identify the various grasses and flowers we will encounter on the coastal prairie. It’s a great tool and the kids should have a great time telling one another (and you) what plants they have discovered!

There will even be a Leave No Trace Scavenger Hunt to heighten everyone’s senses along the trail.

Participants will be meeting our trail guides at the Gateway to the Jenner Headlands parking lot, 12001 CA-1, about 2 miles north of the town of Jenner. Please arrive close to 9:45 to sign waivers, use the facilities and get acquainted.

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Jenner Headlands Preserve

12001 CA-1 - Jenner