Kinky Birds sculptures by artist Lacy Atkins: Opening Reception

Sat, June 15, 2024, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

A flock of unique and vibrant birds has arrived in Sonoma! Lacy Atkins, a local resident and acclaimed artist, has crafted the Kinky Birds ceramic sculptures. Inspired by the play and film, Kinky Boots, these birds embrace individuality and self-expression with their quirky style and signature red boots. Celebrate your true self with the eccentric and charming Kinky Birds, the weirder, the better! Kinky Birds celebrate being your authentic self – no matter how quirky, twisted, or unexpected. Join artist Lacy Atkins and friends for the Kinky Birds opening reception on June 15th from 4 to 6. This art exhibit celebration is free and open to the public. Featured will be nine Kinky Birds made from clay and unique materials found around Sonoma, like the feathers of chickens, peacocks, and other various birds. Each Kinky Bird has a life of its own. Find the right one for you – and let your freak bird fly!

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645 2nd Street, West Marketplace STE 32 - Sonoma